XenomatiX: Roadway assessment with solid-state lidar

Multi-sensor clusters enable precise assessment of road conditions. (Photo: XenomatiX) The success of higher levels of vehicular autonomy will depend on two types of roadway corridor digital twins: pre-mapped and augmented on the fly. No matter how well the corridors…
Point One Navigation launches positioning engine for autonomous vehicles

Image: Point One Point One’s FusionEngine software, which is rated for automotive safety integrity level (ASIL), is now compatible with STMicroelectronics’ Teseo ASIL Precise Positioning GNSS chipset (TeseoAPP). This assures functional safety as ASIL-B, a requirement for Level 3+ advanced…
ESA’s NAVISP partners with Grimaldi Group

  Image: shaunl/ Getty Images On Nov. 18, the European Space Agency (ESA) announced a Navigation Innovation and Support Programme (NAVISP) partnership with Italy’s Grimaldi Group, as the need for accurate maritime navigation increases. With the Grimaldi Group, NAVISP has…
NASA loses contact with CYGNSS hurricane satellite

Artist’s concept of one of the eight CYGNSS satellites in orbit. (Image: NASA/University of Michigan) Since Nov. 26, NASA’s Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) team has not been able to make contact with one of the eight CYGNSS spacecraft,…