Secure your spot at INTERGEO 2024

Secure your spot at INTERGEO 2024

Photo: INTERGEOINTERGEO 2024, the premier global event for geodesy, geoinformation and land management, will take place from Sept. 24 to 26, 2024, in Messe Stuttgart, Germany. This year’s theme focuses on the power of geoinformation technologies and their critical role in addressing global challenges.

The event is expected to bring together more than 600 international brands, industry leaders and business professionals, providing a unique platform for networking, collaboration and knowledge exchange among geospatial professionals.

The event will cover a variety of topics, including building information modeling (BIM), Earth observation, digital twins, maritime solutions and developments in the UAV industry. A significant emphasis will be placed on how geoinformation technologies can help tackle pressing issues such as climate change, urbanization and resource management. Earth observation will be a focal point, featuring sessions dedicated to managing the green transition and discussing strategies for climate adaptation. This comprehensive event aims to showcase the potential of advanced geospatial technologies in contributing to solutions across the globe.The conference will feature keynote speeches from industry leaders and government officials, including Walther Pelzer Ph.D., Head of the German Aerospace Center, who will deliver a keynote on “Earth observation for a world in transition”. Burkhard Boeckem, Ph.D., CTO of Hexagon AB, will discuss developments at the forefront of geospatial technology.

Catch GPS World at INTERGEO 2024 from Sept. 24 to 26!

Click here to register and learn more about the conference.

<p>The post Secure your spot at INTERGEO 2024 first appeared on GPS World.</p>

GPS World

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