SparkFun Electronics has introduced its first ultra-high-precision GNSS timing product, the SparkPNT GNSS Disciplined Oscillator (GNSSDO). Designed for applications requiring sub-nanosecond timing and frequency precision, the GNSSDO is built around Septentrio’s multi-constellation, multi-frequency, L1/L2/L5-ready mosaic-T module.
<p>The device integrates Septentrio’s mosaic-T GNSS timing receiver, Espressif’s ESP32-WROVER processor and the SiTime SiT5358 disciplined 10 MHz oscillator on a single circuit board. It is housed in a custom extruded aluminum case with machined end panels and slotted flanges, making it suitable for installation in weatherproof enclosures or server racks.</p> <p>The GNSSDO offers impressive timing precision. Its time pulse accuracy is 5 ns, which improves to under 1 ns with an optional subscription to Fugro AtomiChron via L-Band. Event accuracy is less than 20 nanoseconds.</p> <p>To ensure reliability and security, the Septentrio mosaic-T module provides robust performance even under challenging conditions such as GNSS jamming or spoofing. The system’s multi-constellation and multi-frequency capabilities, combined with AIM+ technology, are designed to enhance resilience. Additionally, the integration of SiTime’s Super-TCXO ensures superior clock frequency stability and accuracy during GNSS outages.</p> <p></p> <p><p>The post <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">SparkFun unveils GNSS Disciplined Oscillator</a> first appeared on <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="">GPS World</a>.</p></p>