“Seen & Heard” is a monthly feature of GPS World magazine, traveling the world to capture interesting and unusual news stories involving the GNSS/PNT industry. Smarter self-driving cars Photo: hoi dongsu / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images…
Tesla has applied to patent a new multi-band GNSS antenna with increased precision for self-driving and navigation in its autos, reports electrek. The antenna would be positioned inside the rear-mirror enclosure, and the system would also provide a heating element.…
Burkhard Boeckem and a Boston Dynamics robot dog share insights into smart digital realities. (Photo: Hexagon) At HxGN LIVE Global 2022, in-person attendees experienced the full breadth of what the flagship conference has to offer for the first time since…
Are ‘”flying cars” unmanned aerial vehicles, manned aircraft, electric aircraft or just regular aircraft? Or perhaps a mix of all of these? Flying cars raise so much interest because of their potential to fulfill the space-age Jetsons promise, with the…
Q: How can positioning technology ensure safety for passengers of autonomous cars and for others on or near the roadway? Paul Perrone, Founder/CEO, Perrone Robotics A: Satellite-based and local beacon-based positioning technologies offer the best opportunity for reliable and precise location…