Image: 3DSculptor/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images If not GNSS, then what? An interesting question. To some, it means GNSS is so important and unique that without it, all is lost. They enthusiastically support only GNSS-centric research and development, believing…
Photo: Geomax GeoMax Positioning has unveiled the Zenith60 Pro GNSS smart antenna, designed for surveyors and construction professionals. It is a real-time kinematics (RTK) rover that features calibrated free tilt compensation to measure otherwise inaccessible points. The antenna is suited…
Photo: Keysight Syntony GNSS has partnered with Keysight Technologies, an RF testing solutions manufacturer, to advance GNSS testing and simulation capabilities. The collaboration centers on Keysight’s VXG advanced signal generator, which can generate thousands of simultaneous signals across all GNSS…
Photo: TrustPoint TrustPoint, a commercial GPS and navigation technology company, has been awarded a Phase II Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) contract by AFWERX, totaling $ 1.6 million. The contract focuses on the development of advanced, resilient navigation applications to…
Image: Abracon Abracon has partnered with u-blox to combine the u-blox ZED-F9P GNSS receiver module and the Abracon APXG6016GH full-band, multi-constellation active GNSS antenna. This pairing offers centimeter-level accuracy designed for a variety of industries such as precision agriculture and…
Figure 1: Utility access box installed over CORS reference mark Whitefish Pt A (NGS PID AA8050) at USCG lighthouse. (Photo: Jeff Olsen) GNSS users who appreciate that physical monuments can provide verification of GNSS observations can do four things…
Image: kojihirano/ iStock / Getty Images Plus/ Getty Images Intecs, a hardware and software developer, is creating a multi-sensor, GNSS-based platform for obtaining absolute position of trains on rail lines. The system incorporates cameras that read QR codes installed in…
Image: SparkFun SparkFun Electronics has launched the SparkFun real-time kinematics (RTK) mosaic-X5. It uses the multi-constellation, multi-frequency capabilities of the Septentrio mosaic-X5 module, which aims to improve accuracy and reliability in a variety of position applications. The RTK mosaic-X5 is…
Image: Point One Navigation IGNSS has transformed the way both individuals and machines navigate across the globe, leading to a growing number of organizations utilizing positioning data in the development of products and applications. GNSS technology plays a crucial role…