Portal for NAVIGATION journal goes live

The open access portal for NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation is now live at live at navi.ion.org. “ION has partnered with HighWire Press to host its new open access portal for NAVIGATION giving readers a sophisticated platform that offers…
ESA Navigation Lab showcases multi-receiver UAV

Photo: ESA The Navigation Laboratory of the European Space Agency (ESA) has acquired an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that can carry different types of satellite navigation receivers to collect data for follow-on analysis. The NavLab, based at ESA’s ESTEC technical centre in…

Honeywell has launched two new resilient navigation systems: the Honeywell Compact Inertial Navigation System and Honeywell Radar Velocity System. These systems, jointly with GPSdome, an anti-jamming system developed by Honeywell’s partner InfiniDome, are designed for commercial and military customers needing reliable navigation solutions that…
Navigation 2021 conference to be both virtual and in person

Navigation 2021 will bring together experts from industry, research institutions, government agencies and investors whose primary goal is to work together for a more navigable world, organizers said. Conference themes will include PNT systems and technology, robust PNT, PNT applications,…

High accuracy and economical steering solution for most tractors in any field type Photo: CHCNAV CHC Navigation (CHCNAV) has released the NX510 Pro, a high-accuracy automated steering system designed for tillage, seeding, fertilization, pesticide application, and harvesting. With a steering…
Swift Navigation and KDDI partner to expand precise positioning

Swift Navigation is partnering with Tokyo-based KDDI Corporation, an international telecommunications company, to help bring Swift’s precise positioning technology to the Japan market. KDDI will also be a key partner in the global expansion of Skylark precise positioning service, which…
Impact of ION ‘NAVIGATION’ journal continues to grow

This is the sixth consecutive year of growth of the journal’s impact factor The Institute of Navigation announces that its quarterly journal, “NAVIGATION: The Journal of The Institute of Navigation,” has recorded its sixth consecutive year of growth of the…
UAV Navigation autopilot powers Power4Flight engines

UAV Navigation’s range of Vector-autopilots is now integrated with Power4Flight’s IntelliJect EFI, designed for use in small-engine aerospace applications. Using the robust and extensive communication capabilities of UAV Navigation autopilots, the IntelliJect EFI’s engine control unit can communicate and deliver…
UAV Navigation provides flight-control solution for VTOL platforms

UAV Navigation has developed a flight-control solution specifically for vertical-take-off-and-landing (VTOL) fixed-wing drones. Interest in using VTOL platforms has grown in the past few years, according to the company. A hybrid between fixed-wing and rotary-wing platforms, VTOLs provide operators with…