Qualcomm launches Snapdragon W5+ and W5 platforms for wearables

Image: Qualcomm Qualcomm Technologies has unveiled new wearable platforms, the Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1 and Snapdragon W5 Gen 1. The platforms are designed to advance ultra-low power and breakthrough performance for next-generation connected wearables with a focus on extended battery…

Photo: FilippoBacci/E+/Italy To comply with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) E-911 regulations, Qualcomm Technologies has enhanced its Qualcomm Location Suite to provide improved horizontal and vertical positioning information. The upgrade will help first responders better determine the floor within a multi-story…
Qualcomm makes progress on C-V2X introduction in Europe

Photo: Ficosa Qualcomm Technologies’ 9150 C-V2X Platform, among several other products from automotive and infrastructure suppliers, has completed certification in accordance with the European Radio Equipment Directive (RED) Certification in Europe, a requirement for placing radio equipment on the market.…
Audi, Qualcomm and Virginia DOT to deploy C-V2X

Audi of America, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and Qualcomm Technologies Inc. are planning for initial deployments of cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) communication on northern Virginia roadways. C-V2X employs advanced wireless communications to enhance vehicle safety by using the same…
Qualcomm Automotive Solutions chosen by Jaguar, Honda, more

Qualcomm Technologies Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, announced several automotive agreements at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2018, at North Hall Booth 5616,. The show takes place Jan. 9-12 in Las Vegas. As the automotive industry advances toward 5G,…