The washing-machine-sized Lunar Pathfinder is being built as a commercial mission by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. (SSTL), in the United Kingdom. ESA is funding guest payloads for it, including the 1.4-kg NaviMoon receiver that will be accommodated beside the spacecraft’s main X-band transmitter that links it with Earth.
“Receiving physical hardware for a mission is always fantastic,” said Lily Forward, SSTL system engineer. “This engineering model receiver will be integrated into our FlatSat Test Bed version of the mission to test that all our systems communicate and work together properly, ahead of receiving the flight-model receiver and antenna later this year.”

This will be SSTL’s first full-fledged mission beyond Earth, she added. “Laying the foundations for numerous scientific missions that will come after it, Lunar Pathfinder is a communications relay satellite, intended to serve assets on both the nearside and farside, orbiting in an elliptical lunar frozen orbit for prolonged coverage over the South Pole — a particular focus for future exploration. Then, during regular intervals, we will orient the spacecraft towards Earth to test out the NaviMoon receiver.”
Satnav position fixes from the receiver will be compared with conventional radio ranging carried out using Lunar Pathfinder’s X-band transmitter as well as laser ranging performed using a retroreflector contributed by NASA and developed by the KBR company.

“This will be the first time these three ranging techniques will be used together in deep space,” explained ESA navigation engineer Pietro Giordano. “There is a long heritage of lunar laser ranging, going back to the Apollo missions, and the retroreflector we are using is an evolution from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. The combination of all ranging techniques will improve the orbit estimation further, potentially beyond what radio ranging can achieve.
“In principle, this could mean that future missions could navigate themselves to the Moon autonomously using satellite navigation signals alone with no help from the ground.”

Finding ultra-faint satnav signals
The satnav signals employed here on Earth are already vanishingly faint, equivalent to a single pair of car headlights shining all across Europe. By the time these signals reach the Moon, they have crossed distances of more than 20 times further, attenuating through space like ripples from a stone splashed in water.
“Adding to the difficulty, the satnav constellations are not designed to transmit up into space, but to keep their antennas facing Earth,” Giordano said. “So we are reliant on much weaker side-lobe signals, like light spilling from the sides of a flashlight. To be able to make use of these signals, we turned to a specialist in space-based satellite navigation, whose signal-processing techniques have really proven the magic ingredient.”

Testing the NaviMoon receiver and Low Noise Amplifier engineering models at SSTL ahead of integration testing. The flight models of the receiver and amplifier will be delivered later in 2022. (Photo: SSTL)
SpacePNT, based in Switzerland, oversaw the NaviMoon receiver design. “We began working on the idea of lunar-distance satnav positioning back in 2013 as something of a scientific challenge,” said Cyril Botteron, company head.
“The combination of Galileo dual-frequency signals with those of the existing GPS satellites is what started to make it feasible,” Botteron said. “Although, along with the extreme sensitivity that is demanded, the other big problem is that from the Moon all the satnav satellites are in the same narrow geometry of sky around Earth, periodically rotating out of view.”

Lunar navigation satellites will ultimately help guide Moon landings, such as with the European Large Logistic Lander. (Image: ESA)
The solution that SpacePNT came up with leverages more than half a century of lunar exploration. The company installed a dynamic software model of all the forces acting upon the satellite into the receiver, including the gravitational influences of the Moon, Earth, Sun and planets as well as the very slight push from sunlight itself — solar radiation pressure — along with factors such as clock error and the radio signal direction.
“As we experience a given acceleration the receiver can judge it is most probably at one particular point in its orbit,” Botteron said. “Usually a satnav receiver needs signals from four satellites to fix its position, but with this approach, less than four signals is still enough to obtain useful information, constraining the model to minimize any error drift.”
European Engineering & Consultancy (EECL) in the UK was assigned the task of turning SpacePNT’s design into fully tested hardware, and also designed the crucial low-noise amplifier that sifts through noise to boost usable signals.