GEODNET enters distribution and OEM agreements

GEODNET enters distribution and OEM agreements


The Global Earth Observation Decentralized Network (GEODNET) Foundation — the organization governing the blockchain-based global navigation network GEODNET — has entered new distribution and OEM agreements with AllyNav, Bad Elf, bynav, Sensori Robotics and Unmanned Life. 

GEODNET’s blockchain-based global real time kinematics (RTK) and GNSS correction network consist of more than 7000 stations, which aim to provide a unique value proposition combining affordability, precision and reliability. 

GEODNET will partner with AllyNav for precision farming; Bad Elf for surveying applications; bynav for automotive and internet of things (IoT) OEMs; Sensori Robotics for IoT robotic lawnmowers; and Unmanned Life for UAV orchestration.  

The GEODNET ecosystem is undergoing continuous growth with an average of 100 to 200 GNSS reference stations added per week during the first half of 2024, the company says.  

GEODNET is the world’s largest GNSS reference network for RTK-based positioning, according to the company. Standard GPS is usually off by two meters; however, devices connected to GEODNET’s global RTK network can achieve accuracy within 1-2 cm. Many IoT and autonomous applications, such as UAVs, smart mowers, and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), have shifted to RTK in place of standard GPS positioning.  

GEODNET is a community-based Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN). Users can contribute to the network by installing and operating a reference station known as a satellite miner. Satellite miners deliver precise RTK correction data to devices equipped with GNSS receivers within a range of approximately 20-40 kms. GEODNET aims to provide the world’s most robust precision navigation system to a variety of industries, including self-driving cars, agriculture, consumer robots and more. 

<p>The post GEODNET enters distribution and OEM agreements first appeared on GPS World.</p>

GPS World

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