GPS Directorate seeks comments on revision notices

The GPS Directorate is soliciting public comments on several Proposed Interface Revision Notices (PIRNs). Comments are due June 25.

Download or view the proposed changes on Minutes from the Public Interface Control Working Group meeting held in May 2019 are also available on

  • PIRN-IS-200K-001, v2: Proposed Changes to IS-GPS-200K – Leap Second and Earth Orientation Parameters
  • PIRN-IS-705F-001, v2: Proposed Changes to IS-GPS-705F – Leap Second and Earth Orientation Parameters
  • PIRN-IS-800F-001, v2: Proposed Changes to IS-GPS-800F – Leap Second and Earth Orientation Parameters

Documents affected:

  • IS-GPS-200: Navstar GPS Space Segment / Navigation User Segment Interfaces
  • IS-GPS-705: Navstar GPS Space Segment / User Segment L5 Interfaces
  • IS-GPS-800: Navstar GPS Space Segment / User Segment L1C Interfaces

Download the comment form on and send comments to

GPS World

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