China hack breaches satellite security, Symantec reports

Photo: EvgeniyShkolenko/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images Hackers in China managed to gain entry into satellite operators, defense contractors and telecommunications companies in the United States and southeast Asia, reports Reuters. Reuters spoke with security researchers at Symantec Corp. ahead of public…
CGI joins with Thales on Galileo security software

Protective radome housing for the Galileo ground station on desolate Jan Mayen Island in the Norwegian Arctic. The site is housing a Galileo Sensor Station plus satellite link to pass data back to the Galileo ground system. (Photo: ESA/Fermin Alvarez…
President signs National Timing Security and Resilience Act

On Dec. 4, President Trump signed the Frank LoBiondo U.S. Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018. Included in that bill was the National Timing Security and Resilience Act of 2018. The act tasks the Secretary of Transportation with establishing a…

For several months, Talen-X engineers have been working with the proper channels to develop MNSA (Modernized Navstar Security Algorithm). Talen-X is designing the implementation of MNSA for its flagship products: BroadSim and BroadSim Anechoic. BroadSim is a software-defined GNSS simulator…