Javad GNSS tracks new BeiDou AltBoC signals

Recently launched satellites of BeiDou Phase 3 program have started broadcasting new signals. Javad GNSS announced successful tracking of these signals and provided the adjacent figures. Interface control documents (ICDs) for B1C and B2A signals are available, while an ICD…
Commuter rail industry tracks progress on positive train control

Progress is being made by the commuter rail industry installing and implementing positive train control (PTC), according to an analysis by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), an advocate for the advancement of public transportation programs and initiatives in the…
ComNav Technology tracks third-generation Beidou signals

Following the successful launch of the third-generation BeiDou satellites, ComNav Technology has been tracking and decoding the BD-3 satellite signals to provide better high-precision positioning services in the near future. As the world’s fourth navigation satellite system, the construction of…